John Krug - tech writer, cycling

What's been happening

Not long after the last post it became clear that the libtics project was going to struggle to get traction within Alma using, academic research libraries. I was (and am) living in Spain, with limited opportunities, and budget for getting around and doing the needed marketing. I felt a bit ‘outside looking in’.

The libtics project is still available in its entirety. At, until April when the domain name expires. After that, always at Complete source is at

I’d enjoyed the process of working with the University of Leeds, to discover their needs, and of constructing technical documentation and tutorial material and decided to invest some time in developing the technical writing skills into some late career development.

After a few interviews (including one which was crash-and-burn), in July 2022 I was fortunate to have a job offer from Outsystems. I worked with the Technical Knowledge Team there. It’s a great team, was a great experience for me, and I learned so much from them.

I moved to SUSE in July 2023 when an opportunity to realize a long held ambition to work in open source arose. I work with SUSE/Rancher cloud infrastructure products as part of a great team with great colleagues. Everything is open source and you can see what I’ve been up to at GitHub.

I’m three or so years into this late, career swerve and enjoying it all tremendously. It has been cutting into the time available for cycling though.

Personally, this has all been interleaved with some tough times. My Mum died. There’s the pandemic of course. Many funerals for family members and friends. All cancer rather than COVID. But, our children are doing fine, and we have a new granddaughter alongside our grandson. Ups and downs, swings and roundabouts. Life.