John Krug - tech writer, cycling

Graffiti wars and views while out cycling

For no particular reason1 I thought I’d share the views and graffiti I’ve seen while out cycling, enjoying semi-retirement, near Padul and Durcal. If you’ve been to Spain you’ll know there is plenty of graffiti on various themes to go along with the usual tagging and knob and balls. No doubt I’m misinterpreting some language.

On the outskirts of Durcal is Puente de Lata, The Tin Bridge. Apparently, imported from France when it proved to be too weak for traffic and trams. It’s for pedestrians and cyclists and spans Durcal Gorge. There has been at least one suicide. Also, other mishaps. If you like the thrill, you can try bungee-jumping there. On the bridge approach pillars is the graffiti ‘si tu saltas yo salto’. Poignantly, ‘if you jump I fall’, or maybe, ‘if you jump I jump’.

Puente de Lata Puente de Lata

Saltas Saltas

Feminist power.

Feminist Power Feminst Power

Greenpeace, no nuclear. Insubordination now. Chirac, assasin with impunity.

Greenpeace, etc Greenpeace, etc

Dove, star of david = nazism, feminist disobedience, anarchy symbol, ee.uu = nazism (ee.uu means the USA), solidarity with the shipyards struggle.

Dove, etc Dove, etc

Refugees welcome, workers awake unemployment is at your door.

Refugees, etc Refugees, etc

White nationalism Europe awakes.

White nationalism White nationalism

One of my favourite gravel tracks, the view in both directions.

Gravel roads 1 Gravel roads

Gravel roads 2 Gravel roads 2

Well, there you go then.

  1. Other than reacquainting myself with git, markdown, GitHub Pages and jekyll.